SVUSS Praha, s.r.o. was entered in the commercial register on March
12th, 1998 and started its activities on October 1998. Team of experts
worked for many years in the Department of Thermohydraulics of National
Reserarch Institute for Machine Design settled in Bechovice near Prague.
This research institute had been transferred to stock company on 1994 and when
the institute stopped its operation on 1998 the expert activities were
passed over to SVUSS Praha, s.r.o. by contract of assigment between
aforementioned organizations.
To guarantee better conditions for technical activities the company address
including special laboratories was moved to new place, Na Harfe in
Prague 9.
Scope of activities
- technical studies including calculations and measurements on the
field of engineering, heat transfer and power industry,
- expert, technical and standard activities on the field of engíneering,
heat transfer and power industry,
- development and production of machine parts on the field of engineering,
heat transfer and power industry.
The most of orders is performed for power industry and engineering
companies both in Czech Republic and in abroad, directly or in international
cooperation (PHARE projects). To provide high quality services SVUSS Praha
cooperates with many Czech organizations (State Office for Nuclear Safety,
Nuclear Research Institute in Rez, Skoda Plzen, Skoda Prague, NPP Dukovany,
NPP Temelin) and also with many organizations in abroad (VUJE Trnava, VUEZ
Levice, NPP Mochovce, NPP Jaslovske Bohunice, IAE Kurchatova Moscow, SEC NRS
Gosatomnadzor of Russia, VEIKI Budapest, EdF, SIEMENS and others).
Quality assurance
SVUSS Praha quality policy is based on the main goals of the company to
provide special technical measurements, tests and special investigations
on unique SVUSS test facilities in the field of thermohydraulics. The
substantial topics are the fulfilment of present and future customer
requirements and acquisition of mutual confidence. The basic prerequisit is
permanent monitoring and maintenance of staff technical skill and qualification.
Due to that the management of quality assurance system is introduced in the
company based on ISO 9001:2000 standards to improve products quality, e.i. the
quality of conformity and evidence of technical measurements and tests and
results of investigations. The company management expects better prospect
resulting from the realization of this project mainly from the long-term
point of view.